Dry cleaning machine

Our dry cleaning systems are designed for the cleaning of suitable workpieces in the machining industry. Due to the various possibilities in the manufacturing such. Wet processing with emulsions, oil or minimal quantity lubrication leaves unwanted residues such as emulsions, oils and chips on the workpieces for further processing.

These residues can affect the subsequent manufacturing process.

The dry cleaning systems allow fast and inexpensive cleaning and drying of the components. The impurities are blown off by special air sound systems. The air required for cleaning is produced inexpensively by special blowers.

The dry cleaning systems are available in different sizes and designs. The compact design allows easy integration into the manufacturing process.


  • Higher service life of the processing fluids
  • No use of chemistry
  • Recovery of the processing fluids
  • Cleanliness in production
  • Quality improvement
  • Avoidance of liquid entrainment in production

Mögliche Einsatzgebiete


Bauteilsauberkeit in der Fahrzeugindustrie ist ein Qualitätskriterium.

Lebensmittel & Kosmetik

Herausforderungen an Konstruktion, Design und Werkstoffen.

Transport & Logistik

Im Fokus Transportbehälter wie KLT, Deckel, Blister, Trays oder Paletten.


  • axes
  • crankshafts
  • piston
  • camshafts
  • cylinder heads

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ReiTec Reinigungstechnik
und -System GmbH

Elberfelder Str. 83
40822 Mettmann

Tel.: +49 2104 91792-0
Fax: +49 2104 91792-49